Recipe List
These are recipes I'm interested in making or have already made. Using this as a place to keep ideas and remember which recipes I like, since I often have trouble feeling inspired about what to cook. I'll leave some notes and an estimate of how long each took, so it's easier to tell which recipes are actually good for weeknights.
Great recipe. Healthy, delicious, easy to make— half the cook time is just letting things simmer. One I'll definitely come back to for a weeknight dinner.
Pretty good, nothing crazy here. I skipped the crema and just ate these with fresh guac. I like sweet potatoes but they can be pretty mushy; baking the shells helped but I still would've liked something with more crunch. All in all, pretty solid and healthy meal. Most of the cooking time is just waiting for things in the oven.
I was inspired to make these because of Kenji Lopez-Alt's recipe in The Food Lab, but I didn't have the book with me so I used a recipe from NYT Cooking. Easy, rich, delicious— a very decadent breakfast and one I'd make on a special occasion (but again, not hard!). Great use for leftover homemade ricotta as well.
Such a delicious and easy thing to make. You can do this without a food thermometer (though it's easier with one), and I used a metal strainer (the fine mesh kind) instead of cheesecloth. Highly recommend, homemade ricotta is so much better than the crap at most grocery stores.
This was a lot of work. Lot of veggies to cut + cook (some separately from others and all staggered at different times). I also thought it was confusingly written— the recipe itself isn't very hard or complicated beyond the number of vegetables that need to be prepared. On the whole, delicious, healthy pasta with a lot of fresh produce, but one I'd save for special occasions and definitely not weeknights.
Very easy and delicious. Could take more or less time depending on how much eggplant you're cooking— everything else is quick. I made this with homemade ricotta and loved it. Will definitely come back to this recipe.
I love this recipe. Very simple: just cooking onions and then simmering a bunch of vegetables. I used potatoes, peas, carrots, and mushrooms and no meat. The S&B curry blocks are super easy but next time I'd make my own (curry powder + roux) since the blocks have palm oil and are obviously very processed.
Very tasty. Easy to make and kind of healthy— I'd do this on a weeknight where I don't want to cook much.
Extremely easy and delicious horchata. You have to leave the rice/water/cinnamon in the fridge overnight but there's very little active work.
© Mike Considine 2024
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