WebRTC File Sharing

This is a simple peer-to-peer file sharing app using the WebRTC API. I built this because I was interested in learning more about WebRTC. It's very limited right now: I don't have any TURN servers to use (so this might not work depending on your NAT type), and this isn't optimized at all to work with very large files. That said, it's worked well when I've tested it, and it was fun to build.

How it works:

  • Create a "room" to join a private channel
  • Copy the URL and send to another person or device. Once they open the link, the connection should be set automatically and the "Waiting for connection" text should change to "Drop a file here". (If it doesn't, there's an issue creating a connection, and since I don't support TURN at the moment you unfortunately won't be able to use this. I noticed I had to turn off my VPN to make it work.)
  • Drop a file into the dotted box and it will automatically be sent over the wire and downloaded on the other device. Note that I don't support very large files at the moment, but have had no trouble with files in the 1-30 MB range.

© Mike Considine 2024

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